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  • Concurrency: Elixir has built-in support for concurrency, which allows developers to write programs that can execute multiple tasks at the same time. Elixir uses lightweight processes (not to be confused with operating system processes) that are isolated from each other, making concurrency safe and efficient.
  • Pattern Matching: Elixir has a powerful pattern matching system that allows developers to match against data structures and extract specific values. This can be used to write concise and expressive code, and is particularly useful when working with complex data structures.
  • Immutable Data Structures: Similar to functional programming languages, Elixir promotes immutability, which means that once a data structure is created, it cannot be modified. Instead, operations on a data structure return a new, modified copy.
  • Metaprogramming: Elixir allows developers to write code that can generate other code at runtime. This can be used to reduce code duplication and create more expressive APIs.
  • Phoenix Framework: Elixir has a popular web framework called Phoenix, which is similar to Ruby on Rails. Phoenix allows developers to quickly build web applications and APIs using modern web technologies.
  • OTP: Elixir uses the Erlang OTP (Open Telecom Platform) library to provide fault-tolerance and distributed computing capabilities. OTP provides abstractions for building scalable, fault-tolerant systems and is widely used in the telecommunications industry.
  • Pipe Operator: Elixir has a pipe operator ( >) that allows developers to chain functions together in a more readable way. This makes it easy to write code that reads like a series of steps.
  • Concurrency Primitives: Elixir provides several concurrency primitives, including message passing, synchronization, and selective receive, which allow developers to build concurrent programs in a safe and efficient way.
  • Macro System: Elixir has a powerful macro system that allows developers to write code that can generate other code at compile-time. This can be used to reduce boilerplate code and create more expressive APIs.
  • Documentation System: Elixir has a built-in documentation system that allows developers to write documentation alongside their code. This documentation is then compiled into HTML pages that can be easily accessed by other developers.